Mentor, guide, and so many different roles, our parents play!

Parents and even kids, in conversations with Naren, share inspiring, loving, and other musings on various aspects of parenting. Sometimes sharing beautiful parenting stories, and sometimes just musing about deep parenting thoughts. Today, Priti talks about how parents are wonderful guides
“My Dad used to always say, “Koi kaam bada ya chota nahi hota” when I had decided to do my Teacher’s Training from St. Mary’s, as many people around had told, why are you doing such a course as it has no returns. He was the only one (of course with my mom) to support. Today, I feel I have my own little identity due to this base of teaching. Mom always says, “Taqat hai to kamake dikhao, don’t sell the property of parents and live your life.” and “Whenever possible, do something good, give whatever is possible from your end and help the needy.”
These values keep guiding me and has served and form the basis of my existence.”