A partnership that will always deliver more than what’s expected.

Pune-based WOW Parenting, a delightful parenting app with a mission to ‘make parenting easy’, has tied up with Mumbai based BabyChakra, India’s leading pregnancy and parenting app, with the aim to help parents make the right choice when it comes to education, health, IQ, EQ and other issues related to their kids.
While BabyChakra caters to expecting parents, new parents, parents to toddlers, WOW Parenting’s users are typically mums and dads of kids older than 5 years. Both platforms offer content via blog posts, infographics, and videos. The pieces are well thought out and are written keeping in mind the pain points of the users. Be it the foods to eat during pregnancy to dealing with toddler tantrums, be it the growing up issues of children as they move from being an infant to a toddler to a preschooler to a grade schooler to being an adolescent, these two websites cover the most crucial issues with regard to parenting.
Narendra Goidani, the co-founder of WOW Parenting has been a life coach with over 18 years of experience and features in the platform’s videos himself. He also leads a much-recognised education movement called ‘Keep Moving Movement’ that trains over 25,000 children every year, FREE of cost.
BabyChakra’s USP, on the other hand, is Live Video Chats with Doctors. Users from across the country can connect with doctors and get answers in real-time. The live chats are held every day and the topics differ in order to cover all life stages.
With this collaboration, Naren will now host a few chats on BabyChakra and share his expert gyaan with the latter’s users. WOW Parenting’s users will also be able to avail of a discount when shopping on BabyChakra. The coming together of two such trusted brands is a big win for their users and parenting has never been so easy and so much fun.
The two startups have come together in order to spread awareness among parents and prepare them for the various challenges that they will face in nurturing their child. The user base of both apps spreads across metros and tier two and tier three cities and this partnership will widen the reach by a huge margin.
To touch over a million lives by helping parents nurture a healthy, happy & a champion child and being happy in the process.
This collaboration provides us with a unique opportunity to reach about 1 Million parents, over in 100 cities across India.
About Baby Chakra:
Baby Chakra is one of the largest community platforms for expecting mothers in India. Founded by Naiyya Saggi, who is a Mentor at ‘She leads tech’, and is a Harvard Alumni. In a short span of 4 years, Baby Chakra under the breakthrough leadership of Naiyya has grown from a small community of moms to a large community of over half a million moms & parents.
Baby Chakra takes mothers through the entire journey from pregnancy to delivery & more. Baby Chakra helps mothers deal with their health issues, nutrition understanding, fitness, child health, growth, development etc. Baby Chakra hosts experts from all fields including gynaecology, paediatry, nutritionist, fitness trainers, doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists etc. The community member can ask questions to the experts via live video chat on their mobile app.
Baby Chakra also sells baby products at competitive rates and functions as an e-commerce portal too.
About WOW Parenting:
WOW Parenting helps parents understand, evolve & nurture a champion child, through crisp, high-quality videos, daily tips, blogs, q & a’s, case studies, expert guidance & a vibrant community.
WOW Parenting helps parents deal with issues like child behaviour, academic performance, mutual communication, emotional growth, intellectual growth, 21st-century skills, and more..
WOW Parenting is a brainchild of Narendra Goidani. Naren is a published author (15 books), TEDx speaker, and the founder of a leading youth revolution named ‘Keep moving movement’. For its work with schools & children, Keep Moving Movement has been honoured with a ‘postal stamp’ by Indian Postal Department.