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This is what we seek from you | Online Parenting Video Course
23 Feb

This is what we seek from you

Online parenting course

Studies demonstrate that advice seeking is among the most effective ways to influence peers, superiors, and subordinates. Advice seeking tends to be significantly more persuasive than the often practised tactics of pressuring subordinates. Advice seeking has been found to be more appreciated by superiors than boot licking. Advice seeking is also consistently more influential with peers than the wheeler-dealer’s default approach of trading or promising favours.
Since we began ‘Wow Parenting’, we have been asking around for advice. We are thrilled as these advices are helping us improve the site for you.
You have asked us and we are doing it for you…

  1. Will you please mention what is the apt age group of children whose parents SHOULD enrol for ‘Wow Parenting’. (Mother of children in the ages of 11 and 16). We are implementing this. It was simple.
  2. You must have a ‘prominent’ “Are you searching for something?’ question bar on the home page. I wanted answers for a few specific issues and I did not know where to search for. (‘I am always busy’ tech savvy father of 2)  Its technically a little complicated yet must be done. As you read this, it is being done.
  3. I PAID for the full course. I am a SUBSCRIBER. I would love it if you can make me feel special in a few innovative ways. (A doting father with two adorable daughters). Ahaa. Even parents need pampering. And why not! Bingo! We are brain storming delightful ways to dote on him.
  4. My child is filled with potential. She can do ANYTHING she wishes to. However, she is just not FOCUSSED. Can we have a video on how to deal with this kind of a ‘high potential low performance’, child? (A passionate anxious mother who has an angel as a daughter). We have started working on it. She will be surprised with how easily this can be dealt with.

Dearest Friends, I am making an open hearted appeal for help and advice. We need a little of your time and intelligence to help us make ‘Wow Parenting’ the best parenting site in the world.
Please feel free to suggest what you believe will help parents to groom their children brilliantly. Please feel free to express your opinion on how can we improve your experience with your ‘Wow Parenting’.
By the way, have you ever thought of taking the approach of ‘advice seeking’ to bond with your children? It has worked for many parents. I am sure it will work for you too. Looking forward to reading your mails with your advice and insights.
With love, prayers and best wishes,

Parenting Coach/Expert @ WOW Parenting Naren is a dreamer and a people lover. An unshakable optimist, he strives towards building a better world where everyone has a beautiful story to tell. He strongly believes that incredible parenting can change every human being’s life journey to something phenomenal. And that is his “Why” for building Wow Parenting.

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