Boy becomes daddy. He hits boy. Boy becomes daddy. He hits boy.

In the whole world, domestic violence is a generational problem. Almost 85% of all abused, become abusers. A few ( 15% ) do resort to Motivational training, they do listen to motivational speakers, they do refer to inspirational quotes and self-help books. They do put sincere efforts to go beyond the wounds of the past but sometimes the scars are too deep to heal ordinarily. An alarming 85% DO NOT HEAL. It’s worse than an epidemic.
In New Zealand, Shine, the largest domestic abuse charity, needed to bring this to public attention and seek their help in erasing this social issue. FCB Auckland, created a campaign titled, ‘The never-ending street poster. This is how the ads looked…
I am asking myself this question. What would the story of my son and me and his son and him and his son and so on….
Would it be….
1) …Papa hugs son. It is magic. Son became papa. Papa hugs son. It is magic. Son becomes papa. Papa hugs son. It is magic. Son became papa. Papa…
2) …Papa is violent. Son became papa. Papa is violent. Son became papa. Papa is violent. Son became papa. Papa…
3) …Papa lost in alcohol. Son became papa. Papa lost in alcohol. Son became papa. Papa lost in alcohol. Son became papa. Papa…
4) …Papa abuses mummy. Son became papa. Papa abuses mummy. Son became papa. Papa abuses mummy. Son became papa. Papa…
5) …Papa ignores his parents. Son became papa. Papa ignores his parents. Son became papa. Papa ignores his parents. Son became papa. Papa…
6) …Papa has no time. Son became papa. Papa has no time. Son became papa. Papa has no time. Son became papa. Papa…
7) …Papa is humorous, kind and disciplined. Son becomes papa. Papa is humorous, kind and disciplined. Son becomes papa. Papa is humorous, kind and disciplined. Son becomes papa. Papa…
8) …Papa is very negative. Son becomes papa. Papa is very negative. Son becomes papa. Papa is very negative. Son becomes papa. Papa…
My dearest friends, if you don’t mind, for the above numbers 9 and 10, do think about two possible situations from your life. Irrespective of what is the reality today, ensure, the future is brilliant and strongly positive.
Instead of ‘Papa’, maybe you are the ‘Mummy’. Instead of ‘Son’, maybe, you have a ‘Daughter’. Maybe, you have both. Maybe you don’t have them yet. Genders and numbers are not important.
Let’s not just leave something right FOR the children. Let’s leave something right IN the children.
With love, prayers and exceptional wishes,
As I live…I learn