Single working moms, ease that load with these time management tips!

To raise a child single-handedly is stressful. As a single mom, you have the sole responsibility for all aspects of day to daycare. If you are one of those, struggling to spend some quality time, continue reading to get time management tips for single working moms.
Being a single mom can result in added pressure, stress and fatigue. It often feels that there’s never enough time to get your all things done. There’s a never-ending to-do list with less time to finish. At times, you may feel overwhelmed and procrastinate as there are more and more things adding up to that list.
Time management for single moms differs a lot from the married moms. The chores could go on because you are on your own. Don’t let that feeling sulk in; here are some easy tips for time management for single moms.
Time management tips for single working moms:
1. Try to work with a parent-friendly company:
It’s tough to find an employer who is flexible but if you search its possible. These days, knowing the dilemma of the moms especially single moms working full time, employers are flexible and quite understanding towards single working moms.
2. Motivate your little ones to clean up the mess:
The simple idea is to encourage your kids to clean and recognizing their efforts. This eventually helps in saving a lot of your time. Make ‘cleaning the room’ chore a little more fun and reward them for their work. This way they will also take pleasure in the tasks you assign to them.
3. Let go the perfection:
The concept like perfection doesn’t exist in motherhood, therefore there’s no point in pushing it hard. Instead of forcefully cleaning the house or striving hard to become a supermom or get that ‘perfect’ figure, try to make more practical use of your time.

4. List your things according to the priorities:
It’s a common thought process to put off items we really don’t feel like doing. But; we forget to list out the unnecessary things from the list. Get it done, cross it off; this will help you through with the much easier tasks throughout your day or week.
5. Prepare everything a day in advance:
Prepare for the next day in advance so that you don’t get late. If your kids take lunch to school, make lunches the night before. Place everything they’ll need by the door at night so they can just grab and go right out the door when it’s time to leave for daycare/school.
6. Have your groceries delivered:
Food-shopping takes up an inordinate amount of time. The last thing you want to do is go grocery shopping after a long day at work. Sign up with a grocery delivery service online will save you time and hassles. Some services even discounts for placing regular orders. And don’t forget to have the kids help you put the
groceries away.
7. Set attainable daily goals:
What’s the point of writing down unachievable tasks? We’re not superheroes and shouldn’t try to be. Make your daily goals realistic enough to complete. Remember, you can always do more if you have the time so plan wisely.
Benefits of single working parenting:
To road to success is never easy, especially when you are a single mom. The life is different being single parent vs both parents. However; it may be tough to look at the brighter side; there are advantages to being a single parent:
Here are significant single working parent benefits:
- Managing and mastering your career running a single parent family has those moments, but you also have the satisfaction of maintaining ambition and meaningfully organized work mom schedule while raising children alone.
- You serve as a role model of persistence and strength not just for your children, but for other mothers as well.
- For children whose parents were in an unhealthy relationship, it may be easier to understand that life can be managed without a partner and it makes no major difference in the lifestyle of a person.
- A sense of responsibility and independence is instilled among the kids from a very young age because it is a known fact that single parents are usually busy. Children are also encouraged to be a team member and do some things on their own. Being in a team helps children develop empathy, establish a good work ethic, and improve self-esteem and self-worth.
FAQ about time management tips for single working moms:
1. What are the ways to get organized?
Gone are the days when you’d have to drive from store to store just to see if they carried the items you needed. Now, you can simply log online, browse at your own pace, and have your items delivered straight to your door.
2. How to know your priorities?
You need to judge a task by the magnitude effect it creates on others. Understand the fact that if a task is delayed what consequences it will have on you and your family. That way it will be much easier to figure out your priorities.
3. How to become a pro at multitasking?
The best way and to do multitasking is to know what tasks can be merged together and performed in one go. Once you understand which tasks you can club together, it becomes quite easy for you to complete them and that too in a stress-free manner.
4. Suggest some tips to stay focused
Saying ‘no’ to less important things will give you more time to spend on things that are more important to you.
For e.g. don’t spend time fussing about how the milk spilled or how you’re late for your son’s match. Instead, focus on how you can make up for that delay so that your son doesn’t feel bad.
Closing thoughts
Time management for single working mothers of India can be a challenge, but certainly a doable one. It all starts with your mindset and replacing those negative labels that you may have about your ability to stay organized.
Adapt to new habits, get ready to learn and unlearn a few things. Take advantage of online conveniences, such as automating regular payments and shopping online. Outsource tasks which you feel can be done by others and require your minimal intervention.
Finally, make the decision to revolve your life around your priorities, instead of trying to squeeze them into the pockets of your day. Only when we make the time for important things will they actually get done.