Are board exams a make or break for your child’s career?

While every exam in life has its own importance in one’s life; ever thought why board exams are extra special? It’s that time of life when one undergoes turbulent hormonal and psychological changes. It’s marking the onset of adulthood. Students tend to become more mature and stable. The most distinguishing feature of board exams is that they are the first nationalised external exam for school goers.
Have you ever heard of Sundar Pichai?? He is the CEO of Google. In his 12th board exam, he got 75 per cent. His classmate got 96 per cent. His classmate also works in Google but Sundar Pichai earns more money than him. Whole India knows Sundar Pichai but no one knows the boy who got more marks than him. This is a very good example of how knowledge dominates marks.
Kids are as much scared of board exams as they are kicked about their 16th birthday.
The thought of taking board exams gives students nightmares. But does that mean we let these exams be a measurement of our children’s capabilities? Do friends, dreams, goals need a mark sheet? Let’s get to the crux of the matter and understand how to navigate through this sensitive topic.
Why are the board results important?
Board results act as a deciding factor during the admission process. They also form an important part of the resume. They act as an indicator of a student’s academic performance. Many colleges and universities assign separate points to class 10th marks and rely on them while granting admission. Boards are a career shaper, but not a game changer. Your child’s percentage or CGPA could prove how well versed they are with the curriculum, but it doesn’t define their proficiency.
Now let me tell you one more funny truth. Let’s assume you and your child aspire for IIT. Getting into IIT will have nothing to do with their board marks. Funny isn’t it!? Their ability to memorise things and scoring 95% will not even be considered in IIT. Understanding and applying logic will be used as a measurement at the time. So my dear parents, while trying to earn a good reputation in the society you and your child might spend nights mugging up books. It doesn’t guarantee success in life.
This doesn’t mean you to let your children off the hook and let them be on the playground all day. Developing discipline and studying is very important. Don’t use “Results don’t matter” as a shield from doing the necessary work. At the same time the percentage a child gets through honest efforts should be acceptable.
Quiet please: Exams in progress
Board results are important as it’ll let the child choose their preferable stream for pursuing their career. So it’s imperative they study. School results will matter only until they get into college. College results will matter only until they get a job. What will help the child, in the long run, is their potential and aptitude? The fact that only KNOWLEDGE decides future remains unchanged.
Marks can only land someone a job. For example, take engineering. Let’s say a B-Tech degree with good marks will get your child a got job in a nice company. But the child, which is now an adult, has not understood any concept and simply mugged up everything. After they get the job, they will work for it right??? How the hell are they going to work if they don’t understand the concept of how a machine starts???? See???!!!!! That’s all!!! That’s all marks can do.
Finally to say the least
Failing in exams will push a child into depression. Young people and students are under an awful lot of stress, make their mental health a priority. Help them schedule and prioritise. If they do make a bad decision or fail to make the grade, good mental health, will give them the resilience to turn things around. If they do make a bad decision or fail to make the grade, supportive relationships will give them the resilience to turn things around.