6 interesting ways to improve your child performance

Parents are the first ever educators to their children. They learn the strength and weakness of children right from the beginning. These strengths and weaknesses have a major influence on children. They affect a child’s lifestyle, decision-making skill, even child performance. The ultimate result is reflected in a child’s future. Being a parent you can inspire your child to perform well in every aspect of life.
The practice is what makes one perfect. This is an old and renowned saying. Firm rules about homework, well-followed schedules, weekly tests at home are the stepping stones for your child’s merited performance. These exercises should be practiced with children from the beginning of the academic year. When the school starts, parents and children must be able to pursue education with a true passion. This will more challenging for working parents.
Listed below are a few exercises to perform with children in order to improve their performance. These exercises are to be worked in partnership with children. For a great partnership, discuss with your child about future goals and develop a positive outlook.

Improve Your Child Performance :
1. Stay in touch with the teachers
We are talking about your child’s class, subject as well as a tuition teacher. Try to keep in touch with all of them. This will help you get an idea of how well your child is performing in school. Consistent meetings will also allow the teachers to pay more attention to children and guide them. If your child is weak in any subject, meet that subject teacher. Let her know about your child’s weakness. Ask them to guide your child and you.
2. Daily revisions
Since day 1 of the school make a habit to daily discuss the topics covered at school. Ask about everything, simple or hard, that was taught on that day. A daily revision is a daily reminder. When a topic is covered at school, ask your child to explain the concept. If its a theorem, ask your child to write it again. You can also plan a ‘weekly check’ schedule to discuss and revise the entire week’s study, all over again. Children will imprint the topics in their memories, which will be beneficial during exams.
3. Praise and encourage
Whenever children finish their homework or excel in a weekly test make sure to praise them. The praising need not to be done only with words. There are other methods as well. Who said, ‘Study should not be fun’? You can allow children to watch their favourite movie, treat them their favourite snacks. You can also buy a toy or a pair of shoes they always wanted. These sort of little allowances and gifts are the form of encouragement.
4. Right atmosphere
Right atmosphere means no distractions. You can play meditation music that enhances the concentration level. These music work best when played at minimal volume, it will improve child performance in study. The room where your child studies should also have a touch of nature, like one or two plants. Plants like Asparagus fern, Peace lily or Lucky bamboo are proven to keep the room calm and mind focused.
Food is another aspect that has to be taken seriously to improve your child’s performance. A proper lunch box with fruits, salad, and a healthy diet helps a body utilize necessary proteins and vitamins. Children are in a growing stage, their body demands a healthy diet. This involves ‘No fast food’ or ‘No junk food’, only real nutritious food. Once a month you can treat children with the food of their choice. The rest of the days though, the diet should be followed strictly.
5. ‘Switch off and relax’ technique
Children often get bored to study on the planned schedule at a particular time. Sometimes, their mind gets tired looking at the same chapter that they are unable to grasp. Here, the ‘Switch off and Relax’ technique works like a charm. All they need to do is relax for about 15 minutes with an intention to come back to study. During these 15 minutes, they can be allowed to take a stroll, play with the pet or dance to their favourite song.
This method is to relax and withdraw oneself from the responsibility or work for a while. This withdrawal allows children to calm their mind and turn on to study even more sincerely.
6. Play a lot
Yes! Playing has proven to be the most effective to increase concentration. Games like football, cricket, and badminton involve physical movements and it will also help to improve child performance in outdoor games. These movements help the body regulate proper blood circulation. A general Social and emotional stability level is stated to be 33%. Research says that play can enhance it to 67%. There are various brain teasers, sequencing games, and riddles that trigger the brain to focus more. Parents, please allow your children to play enough!
Monitoring children won’t help improve their performance. You need to monitor the things children do. It is never too late to work on your child’s performance. Sit and discuss with your child, create a schedule, taking into consideration your child’s views. Build a partnership where everyone contributes equally. Let’s gift our children the possibility of high performance.